Organization Development and Change Management Consulting Support

Leading an organization at any level requires an ability to understand the need for and successfully lead change. GMS helps its clients guide their organizations through its transitions with a variety of consulting services that increase leadership’s ability to anticipate and respond effectively within a constantly changing environment.

GMS provides expert management consulting support for a wide variety of organization improvement projects and initiatives. Examples include: Healthier Work Places / Work Cultures. A healthy work place is characterized by high levels of organizational effectiveness, employee job satisfaction, and employee retention.

Every organization has a Culture. The most functional ones are cultivated and reinforced on purpose... not passively evolved.

Improved Customer Service. There are a number of reasons why an organization might struggle with its customer service including:

  • Inadequate understanding of customer needs.
  • Lack of organizational focus or alignment of efforts.
  • Poorly conceived administrative systems.
  • Lack of customer service delivery skills.
  • Inappropriate incentives for and constraints on employees.
  • Inadequate measures and/or measurement systems.

GMS helps its clients forge stronger relationships with their customers by helping them focus on and improve the weak links in their customer service chain.

Workforce Development. GMS can help your organization develop the right workforce for the future by addressing the following key steps:

  • Clarifying the future Vision and determining what creating that future will require of the existing workforce in terms of skills and competencies
  • Assessing the existing levels of future-desired skills and competencies within the existing workforce
  • Developing a strategy to bridge the gap by training and developing existing personnel, recruiting future personnel, and ensuring desired employee retention levels through effective leadership and a healthy workplace

Change Management. GMS helps orient the client to the requirements of a Change Process, enabling the client to create a positive experience out of one that can otherwise prove unsettling and disruptive.

Process Improvement. GMS can help your organization define, understand, and ultimately redesign & improve its critical work processes.

“Your skillful touch, flexible style, and disarming presence was incredible in enabling our Team to open up with you and with each other. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you!”